Don’t Pay Personal Expenses From The Corporate Account. Keep your business accounts separate from your home accounts. Don’t commingle assets. Using the corporation as your “personal piggy bank” is the first step to becoming vulnerable to a creditor “piercing the veil” of your corporate or LLC protection. Pay yourself a reasonable salary or draw; then pay for…
It’s important to line “all your ducks in a row” to make branding effective. The ducks of branding include registration of the copyrights, trademarks and service marks that are embodied in the branding. Your logo design and branding texts can and should be protected by copyright registration. An association’s name, acronym, logo, slogans, and even…
At lunch the other day, a friend said that he was about to attend a conference call with a potential client in an industry in which his firm did not have any direct experience. However, he was going to include in the call another person who had lots of relevant experience and, if the call…
As some of you may have experienced, employers can invest $5,000 to $20,000 in costs associated with obtaining an immigration visa for a promising new recruit, but some unscrupulous employees quit after working only a day or two, and port their visa to another employer. I recently spoke at a panel discussion sponsored by Immigration…